PEDIGREE CHOICE CUTS IN GRAVY prime rib, rice and vegetable flavored and roasted chicken, rice and vegetable flavored soft, wet dog food gives your dog the taste they crave with the nutrition they need. Your adult dog can enjoy the delicious taste of real chicken or beef and delectable gravy sauce in every bite with our hearty wet dog food. PEDIGREE formulas provide the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals with no artificial flavor, no added sugar, and no high fructose corn syrup. Each recipe is balanced for adult dogs, so you know they are getting the most from their wet dog food. You can serve this dog food as a topper, mixer or on its own. Any way you serve it up, PEDIGREE canned dog food can help your dog grow happy and healthy. PEDIGREE CHOICE CUTS IN GRAVY Adult Canned Soft Wet Dog Food Variety Pack, Prime Rib, Rice & Vegetable Flavor and Roasted Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Flavor, 13.2 oz. Cans 12 Pack CONTAINS TWELVE (12) 13.2 OZ. CANS of PEDIGREE CHOICE CUTS IN GRAVY Adult Canned Soft Wet Dog Food, 6 cans of Prime Rib, Rice & Vegetable Flavor and 6 cans of Roasted Chicken, Rice & Vegetable Flavor MADE WITH REAL CHICKEN OR BEEF for a taste your dog will love without any added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial flavors BALANCED RECIPE FOR ADULT DOGS that offers a nutritious, soft wet dog food for dogs of all sizes! MIX IT WITH DRY FOOD for an extra tasty meal or use it as a dog food topper
3 weeks ago
4 days ago